Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Personal information

All information that you have provided us is controlled by Technology Recycle Group Ltd (the 'Operator' and the 'Company').

The information we collate about our customers helps us to personalise and continually improve your experience with us. The information that you provide to us is used to process orders, deliver products, services, process payments, and to inform you about orders, products, services as well as other promotional offers we may be running from time to time, create and update our records as well as generally maintain your accounts with us. We also use this information to improve our service to you and to prevent or detect fraud and enable third parties to carry out technical, logistical or other functions on our behalf.

From time to time we may elect to contact you through various means such as post, e-mail, telephone, sms or any other messaging services to keep you up to date with the products and services we offer as well as for customer quality surveys. We do not sell, pass on or allow your information to be used by any other business other than the Company and its approved partners. We do use agents, sub-contractors or selected third party companies to contact you on our behalf however our agreement with them is such that your information is not used for any other purpose other than within this statement.